
In education children are encouraged to be authentic, responsible and modern global citizens who have their own individual place and talent and to have a well-developed view of the big picture, and so able to contribute to a peaceful global society.

Authentic and Connected

By interacting with the world and their fellow humans, children learn their own identity. By guiding children in exploring the world, we can ensure that children remain authentic and thus true to themselves accompanied by an open mind and attitude towards their environment. By helping children to fundamentally organise the numerous – at first unusual and unrelated impressions, we show them that no event in the world stands alone and we give them the tools to be more conscious of their environment in the future as adults.

For example, a child experiences that everything is connected to each other and what his or her place is in the whole. World exploration education will contribute to learning that shared responsibility for this big picture can contribute to peace.

The Connected World

The world cannot be separated into different compartments and therefore separate subject such as geography, history, biology, social studies, science and technology, physics and chemistry, care, philosophy and religion will not exist.

These unnatural barriers between subjects should be eliminated so that education can be offered as a whole. You will consider the big picture but can zoom back in for details. For example, children will continue to see the whole and the newly gained knowledge will be placed and retrieved in the correct place.

Global Citizenship

We have arrived at a time when the entire world is connected through the Internet, rapid transportation options and having an intrinsic interest in each other. The child is a citizen of the world therefore it is important to teach children to see the world from different cultural and ideological perspectives so that they are prepared to deal with other views on world and global issues.

Children will learn to work together in different ways and learn to take decisions together, they will learn to develop attitudes and skills that will prepare them for their role as citizens in the Dutch and Global societies.

Modern Society

We want to prepare the children for a modern society. We do this by utilising 21st century skills and computational thinking therein. At this time, knowledge is up for grabs, everything can be googled and found quickly, so it is important that we teach children good metacognitive skills to enable them to keep abreast of the knowledge available. We want children to learn to see and keep an overview of their learning process. We want children to learn to get organised and stay organised in their learnings. They learn to oversee and structure their work as well as owning their own learning/work process. And also to assess and evaluate their own work and thereby suggestions for future work. This also fits in with the new learning whereby a lot of knowledge is available via the internet and the developing of metacognitive skills plays an important role.